Section 03-01D: Engine, Diesel, 7.3L
1996 F-Series Workshop Manual


DescriptionTool Number
Engine Lifting BracketsT70P-6000


  1. Remove oil pan (6675) and inspect bearing clearances using Plastigage® D81L-60002-B or equivalent. Refer to Main Bearings and Connecting Rod Bearings in the Cleaning and Inspection portion of this section.

  1. Remove engine from vehicle and place on an engine stand. Refer to Engine — Automatic Transmission or Engine — Manual Transmission in the Removal and Installation portion of this section. Remove engine front and rear covers, oil pump screen cover and tube (6622), oil pump screen cover and tube, and oil pump inner gerotor.

  1. Mark all bearing caps (main and connecting rod) to permit installation into their original locations.

  1.  CAUTION: Use care to avoid damage to crankshaft journal, piston cooling oil jets (6C327) and cylinder wall when moving piston assembly.

    Turn crankshaft (6303) until connecting rod (6200), from which connecting rod cap is being removed, is at bottom dead center (BDC) and remove connecting rod cap. Install lengths of rubber hose or equivalent onto connecting rod bolts (6214) and push connecting rod and piston assembly up into cylinder. Repeat this procedure until all connecting rods are pushed to cylinders and away from crankshaft.

  1. Remove main bearing caps. Main bearing caps are numbered from front of engine.

  1.  CAUTION: Handle crankshaft with care to avoid possible fracture or damage to finished surfaces.

    Install Engine Lifting Brackets T70P-6000 to crankshaft and lift crankshaft out of cylinder block so that bearing surfaces are not damaged.

  1. Remove crankshaft main bearings (6333) and crankshaft thrust main bearings (6337) from main bearing caps and saddles.

  1. Inspect crankshaft. Refer to Crankshaft in the Cleaning and Inspection portion of this section.


  1. Using a lint-free cloth, wipe the bearing saddles clean and oil-free.

  1. Clean the crankshaft main bearings and crankshaft thrust main bearings and main bearing caps thoroughly in solvent and dry with compressed air.

  1. NOTE: Make sure the bearing tangs snap into the locating slots and the oil holes line up with the bearing holes.

    Install the bearing halves in the crankcase saddles and the main bearing caps.

  1. Coat bearing halves with clean engine oil.

  1. NOTE: When installing crankshaft make sure timing marks line up correctly. Refer to Camshaft in the Removal and Installation portion of this section.

    Carefully install the crankshaft.

  1. Check bearing clearances. Refer to Main Bearings and Connecting Rod Bearings in the Cleaning and Inspection portion of this section.

  1. NOTE: Number 1 main bearing cap is at the front of the engine.

    Install the main bearing caps, crankshaft main bearings and crankshaft thrust main bearings in correct locations.

  1. Install main bearing cap bolts finger-tight. Using a soft-faced hammer, tap the numbers 2, 3 and 4 main bearing caps until the rear machined faces of the main bearing caps are flush with the machined faces of the cylinder block (6010).

  1. Repeat the above step for the number 1 main bearing cap, aligning the front face of the main bearing cap with the cylinder block. Align the number 5 bearing rear thrust flanges with each other. Check this alignment at both sides of the main bearing caps.

  1. Tighten main bearing cap bolts to 102 Nm (75 lb-ft) for main bearing caps 1, 2, 3 and 4.

  1. Check crankshaft end play as follows:

    1. Install Dial Indicator Bracketry D78P-4201-F and Dial Indicator D78P-4201-G or equivalents on the machined surface of the cylinder block.
    1. Position dial indicator tip on the nose of the crankshaft and zero in the dial indicator.
    1. Using a prybar, move the crankshaft back and forth. Record the reading.
    1. End play should be within 0.063-0.216mm (0.0025-0.0085 inch).
    1. If end play exceeds service limits, the crankshaft thrust main bearing should be replaced and end play reverified.

  1. Tighten all main bearing cap bolts to 129 Nm (95 lb-ft).

  1. Install piston and rod assemblies. Refer to Piston and Connecting Rod in the Removal and Installation portion of this section.

  1. Check connecting rod side clearance. Refer to Main Bearings and Connecting Rod Bearings in the Cleaning and Inspection portion of this section.

  1. Install oil pump and oil pump screen cover and tube, oil pan, inner gerotor, engine front and rear covers.

  1. Install engine in vehicle. Refer to Engine — Automatic Transmission or Engine — Manual Transmission in the Removal and Installation portion of this section.