Section 05-03B: Axle, Front Drive, Dana Model 60 Monobeam
1996 F-350 4x4 Workshop Manual

Pinion, Drive Gear and Differential Case Carrier

DescriptionTool Number
Companion Flange Holding ToolT57T-4851-B
Companion Flange RemoverT65L-4851-B
Bearing Cup PullerT77F-1102-A
Impact Slide HammerT50T-100-A
Jet Plug RemoverT77L-9533-B


  1. Remove the front axle from the vehicle. Refer to Axle, Front in the Removal and Installation portion of this section.

  1. Remove the axle shafts. Refer to Axle Shaft in the Removal and Installation portion of this section.

  1. Position suitable container under differential carrier. Remove axle housing cover (4033) and drain lubricant from axle. The lubricant will drain out as the axle housing cover is removed. Tip carrier to allow lubricant to drain completely.

  1. Remove any residual gasket material from carrier mating surface. Also clean cover face of carrier, making sure it is free of any nicks or burrs.

  1. NOTE: Mating letters are stamped on bearing caps and carrier. Letters are in vertical and horizontal positions. Note the letter positions before removal. At time of assembly they are to be assembled exactly as removed.

    Loosen capscrews and remove bearing caps.

    Differential Assembly

    ItemPart NumberDescription
    1Bearing Cap (Part of 3010)
    24222Differential Bearing Cup
    34211Differential Pinion Shaft
    44228Differential Side Gear Thrust Washer
    54236Differential Side Gear
    64215Differential Pinion Gear
    74230Differential Pinion Thrust Washer
    8Carrier (Part of 3010)
    94109Preload Shims
    104616Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Cup
    114670Front Axle Pinion Shaft Oil Slinger
    144851Front Axle Universal Joint Flange
    154859Drive Pinion Oil Seal Deflector
    164676Front Axle Drive Pinon Seal
    174621Differential Pinion Bearing
    183254Axle Shaft Oil Seal
    194672Drive Pinion Shims
    204628Front Axle Pinion Bearing Cup
    214630Differential Pinion Bearing
    223222Ring Gear and Pinion
    234241Differential Pinion Shaft Lock Pin
    241244Differential Bearing
    254204Differential Case
    264033Axle Housing Cover
    284067Differential Bearing Shim
    29853051-SFill Plug
    ATighten to 298-379 Nm (220-280 Lb-Ft)
    BTighten to 136-172 Nm (100-120 Lb-Ft) for Grade 9. For Grade 9 (C7 Lines on Bolt Head), Tighten to 176-190 Nm
    (130-140 Lb-Ft)
    CTighten to 28-34 Nm
    (21-25 Lb-Ft)
    DTighten to 41-54 Nm
    (30-40 Lb-Ft)
    ETighten to 109-122 Nm (80-90 Lb-Ft)

  1. Place Differential Housing Spreader TOOL-4000-E or equivalent on the differential case (4204). Install Dial Indicator/Magnetic Base D78P-4201-B or equivalent on the carrier housing. Do not spread housing more than 0.38mm (0.015 inch).

  1. NOTE: Use caution to avoid damage to ring gear and drive pinion.

    Pry differential case from carrier with two pry bars. After differential case has been removed, remove spreader. Mark or tag bearing cups for correct positioning during assembly.

  1. Remove differential bearings with Pinion and Carrier Bearing Puller D81L-4220-A or equivalent. Place tool in a vise when removing bearing. Wire differential bearing shims (4067), differential bearing cup (4222) and bearing cone together. Identify from which side they were removed. (Ring gear side or opposite side.) If differential bearing shims are damaged, replace during assembly.

  1. Reposition differential case in puller and remove other bearing cone as described above. Replace bearings whenever they are removed from the carrier.

  1. Place a few shop towels over the vise to prevent the ring gear teeth from being nicked when ring gear falls from the differential carrier.

  1. NOTE: Whenever removing the ring gear bolts, always replace with new bolts upon assembly.

    Place differential case in vise. Remove bolts. Tap ring gear with a rawhide hammer to free it from the differential case. Remove differential case and ring gear from vise.

  1. Replace differential case in vise and use a small drift to drive out the roll pin that secures the differential pinion shaft (4211).

  1. Remove differential pinion shaft with drift.

  1. To remove differential side gears (4236) and pinion gears, rotate the differential side gears. This will allow the differential pinion gears (4215) to turn to the opening of the case.

  1. Remove differential pinion gears and the differential pinion thrust washer (4230) behind the differential pinion gears.

  1. Lift out differential side gears and differential side gear thrust washers (4228).

  1. NOTE: If excessive wear is visible on all parts, it is suggested that the complete differential be replaced. If any one of the gears are to be replaced, replace as a set.

    Inspect all parts, including the machined surfaces of the differential case itself.

  1. Turn nose of carrier in a horizontal position, remove pinion nut. Hold end yoke or flange with Companion Flange Holding Tool T57T-4851-B and remove pinion nut and washer.

  1. Remove end yoke or flange with Companion Flange Remover T65L-4851-B. If end yoke or flange shows wear in the area of the seal contact, replace.

  1. Remove pinion by tapping with a rawhide hammer. Catch the pinion with your hand to prevent it from falling to the ground and being damaged.

  1. Pull out pinion seal with Bearing Cup Puller T77F-1102-A and Impact Slide Hammer T50T-100-A. Discard pinion seal. Replace with new pinion seal at time of assembly.

  1. NOTE: Service kit has 10 drive pinion shims (preload) of various thicknesses.

    NOTE: On the spline end of the pinion there are drive pinion shims (preload). These shims may stick to the pinion (part of ring gear) or bearing or even fall out. These drive pinion shims are to be collected and kept together since they will be used later in assembly. Try not to damage drive pinion shims. If drive pinion shims are damaged, replace with new ones. Drive pinion shims are available in the Pinion Preload Shims chart.

    Remove differential pinion bearing (4621), outer oil slinger and preload shims.

Available Thicknesses

  1.  CAUTION: Do not nick carrier bore.

    NOTE: The inner carrier section may vary in pinion bore depth due to the possibility of the need for either a baffle or oil slinger or both.

    NOTE: Shims are located between the bearing cup and carrier bore and may also include an oil slinger. If shims and oil slingers are bent or nicked, replace at time of assembly. Wire shim stacks together and measure each. If stack has to be replaced, replace with same thickness.

    NOTE: Both baffle and oil slinger are part of the drive pinion shims and are to be kept intact for assembly.

    NOTE: The baffle serves the same purpose as a dam, to ensure the differential pinion bearings are maintained with lubricant. The slinger assists lubricant flow up through the oil channels to lubricate the differential pinion bearings. If used, they are part of the pinion setting adjustment.

    Turn nose of carrier down. Remove outer differential drive pinion bearing cup (4616) with Pinion Bearing Cup Remover D81T-4628-D and Driver Handle D81L-4000-A or their equivalents. Locate driver on back edge of differential drive pinion bearing cup; drive differential drive pinion bearing cup out of carrier.

  1. Remove the inner bearing cup and shims with Pinion Bearing Cup Remover D81T-4628-A and Driver Handle D81L-4000-A or equivalents.

    Bearing Cup Removal

    ItemPart NumberDescription
    1D81T-4628-APinion Bearing Cup Remover — Inner
    2D81T-4628-DPinion Bearing Cup Remover — Outer
    3D81L-4000-ADriver Handle
    44616Differential Drive Pinion Bearing Cup (Outer)
  1. Remove differential pinion bearings from pinion with Pinion and Carrier Bearing Puller D81L-4220-A or equivalent. Bend the slinger as required to obtain clearance for remover tool installation. Discard the slinger.

  1. If required, remove the inner axle shaft oil seals (3254) with Jet Plug Remover T77L-9533-B. Thread the remover tool into the axle shaft oil seal, remove and discard axle shaft oil seal. Thread the remover tool into the metallic seal housing, remove and discard seal housing.

    Inner Axle Shaft Seal Removal