Section 03-01C: Engine, 7.5L MFI
1996 F-250, F-350, F-Super Duty Chassis Cab and Motorhome Workshop Manual

Engine Front Cover

DescriptionTool Number
Crankshaft Damper RemoverT58P-6316-D
Front Cover AlignerT68P-6019-A
Crankshaft Damper and Sprocket ReplacerT52L-6306-AEE



Crankshaft front seal replacement is recommended whenever the engine front cover (6019) has been removed.

  1. Disconnect battery ground cable (14301). Drain crankcase.

  1. Drain cooling system. Refer to Section 03-03.

  1. Remove drive belts (8620). Refer to Section 03-05.

  1. Remove bolts attaching fan shroud (8146) to radiator (8005).

  1. Remove fan blade (8600) from fan clutch (8A616) and remove fan shroud.

  1. Remove fan clutch and water pump pulley (8509) from water pump (8501).

  1. Disconnect upper radiator hose (8260) and lower radiator hose (8286) at engine (6007). Disconnect transmission oil cooler lines at radiator.

  1. Remove upper radiator support bracket and remove radiator.

  1. Remove generator pivot and attaching bolts. Remove generator (GEN) (10300) from generator mounting bracket (10153) and generator adjusting arm (10145).

  1. Remove two bolts attaching generator adjusting arm to water pump and generator mounting bracket and remove generator adjusting arm.

  1. Remove air pump pivot and attaching bolts. Remove secondary air injection pump (AIR pump) (9A486) from generator mounting bracket.

  1. Remove four bolts attaching generator mounting bracket to cylinder head (6049), cylinder block (6010) and water pump, and remove generator mounting bracket.

  1. Remove power steering pump pulley (3A733) from power steering pump (3A674).

  1. Remove power steering lines from power steering pump. Remove four bolts attaching power steering pump to A/C compressor mounting bracket (2882) and remove power steering pump from A/C compressor mounting bracket.

  1. Remove four bolts attaching A/C compressor (19703) to A/C compressor mounting bracket. Remove four bolts and one nut attaching A/C compressor mounting bracket to cylinder head and water pump. Remove A/C compressor mounting bracket from engine.

  1. Remove the crankshaft pulley (6312) from the crankshaft vibration damper (6316).

  1. Remove bolt and washer attaching crankshaft vibration damper. Remove crankshaft vibration damper using Crankshaft Damper Remover T58P-6316-D or Rotunda Gear and Pulley Puller 014-00293 or equivalent. Remove Woodruff key and crankshaft damper spacer from crankshaft (6303).

  1. Loosen water bypass tube (8548) at water pump. Disconnect heater return hose at water pump.

  1. NOTE: If the original gasket was not damaged from front cover removal, it may be reused. If damage is evident, the oil pan gasket (6710) must be replaced in its entirety.

    Remove bolts attaching engine front cover to cylinder block. Remove engine front cover and water pump as an assembly. Discard engine front cover gasket (6020) and oil pan gasket.

    ItemPart NumberDescription
    16019Engine Front Cover
    26710Oil Pan Gasket
    46675Oil Pan
    56010Cylinder Block
    6E2AZ-19562-BGasket Maker (2 Places)
    7E2AZ-19562-BGasket Maker (4 Places)
    ATighten to 11-16 Nm
    (8-12 Lb-Ft)
  1. If new engine front cover is to be installed, remove water pump and install it and a new water pump housing gasket (8507) on the new engine front cover.

  1. Check timing chain deflection. Refer to Section 03-00.


  1. Replace crankshaft front seal (6700). Refer to Crankshaft Pulley/Damper/Crankshaft Front Seal in the In-Vehicle Service portion of this section.

  1. Clean sealing surfaces of engine front cover and cylinder block. Also, clean oil pan gasket sealing surfaces of any oil or debris.

  1. Coat the gasket surfaces of the cylinder block and engine front cover with Perfect Seal Sealing Compound F2AZ-19554-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESE-M4G115-A oil resistant sealer and position a new engine front cover gasket on the cylinder block.

  1. Apply Gasket Maker E2AZ-19562-B or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G348-A5 along the cylinder block pan gasket junction where the engine front cover contacts the oil pan gasket.

  1. Position the engine front cover onto the cylinder block. Use care when installing the engine front cover to avoid seal damage or possible mislocation.

  1. Install Front Cover Aligner T68P-6019-A into proper position. It may be necessary to force the engine front cover downward to compress the oil pan gasket slightly. This operation can be facilitated by using a suitable tool at the attaching bolt hole locations.

  1. Coat the threads of the attaching bolts with Pipe Sealant with Teflon® D8AZ-19554-A or equivalent oil-resistant sealer meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G350-A2 and install the screws.

  1. While pushing in on Front Cover Aligner T68P-6019-A, tighten the oil pan-to-engine front cover attaching bolts to 8-12 Nm (71-105 lb-in). Remove alignment tool. Tighten the engine front cover-to-cylinder block attaching screws to 16-24 Nm (12-18 lb-ft).

  1. Apply Ford Multi-Purpose Grease D0AZ-19584-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESB-M1C93-B to front of crankshaft for crankshaft vibration damper installation.

  1. Install crankshaft damper hub (6359) on the inner Woodruff key.

  1. Apply Gasket Maker E2AZ-19562-B or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G348-A5 to the front of the key on the crankshaft, and in the keyway inside the crankshaft damper spacer, after installing spacer.

  1. Position crankshaft damper Woodruff key and install crankshaft vibration damper using Crankshaft Damper and Sprocket Replacer T52L-6306-AEE. Install crankshaft vibration damper attaching bolt and washer. Tighten to 95-122 Nm (70-90 lb-ft).

  1. Install crankshaft pulley to crankshaft vibration damper. Tighten four bolts to 54-71 Nm (40-53 lb-ft).

  1. Install A/C compressor mounting bracket to cylinder head using four bolts. Tighten to 54-71 Nm (40-53 lb-ft). Tighten nut to water pump stud to 41-54 Nm (30-40 lb-ft).

  1. Attach A/C compressor to A/C compressor mounting bracket with four bolts and tighten to 24-31 Nm (18-23 lb-ft).

  1. Attach power steering pump lines to power steering pump. Press power steering pump pulley onto power steering pump. Make sure front surface of pulley hub is flush with end of pump shaft.

  1. Attach generator mounting bracket to cylinder head, cylinder block and water pump with four bolts. Tighten 3/8-inch bolts to 41-54 Nm (30-40 lb-ft) and 7/16-inch bolts to 54-71 Nm (40-53 lb-ft).

  1. Install secondary air injection pump to generator mounting bracket with two bolts. Tighten to 41-54 Nm (30-40 lb-ft). Install secondary air injection pump pulley. Tighten screws to 12-15 Nm (9-11 lb-ft).

  1. Install generator adjusting arm to generator mounting bracket and water pump with two bolts. Tighten to 41-54 Nm (30-40 lb-ft).

  1. Install generator to generator mounting bracket using two bolts. Do not tighten bolts until drive belt has been tensioned.

  1. Install drive belts and adjust drive belt tension to specifications. Refer to Section 03-05.

  1. Position radiator to lower support. Position upper radiator support bracket to radiator, and install attaching bolts. Connect upper radiator hose and lower radiator hose at engine. Connect transmission oil cooler lines.

  1. Place fan blade inside fan shroud and set in position in vehicle. Position the fan blade and fan clutch on the water pump pulley. Install and tighten the attaching bolts to 16-24 Nm (12-18 lb-ft). Install screws attaching fan shroud to radiator.

  1. The crankcase oil should be drained and refilled with the proper grade and quantity of engine oil before starting the engine.

  1. Install heater return hose to water pump. Fill and bleed the cooling system. Refer to Section 03-03.

  1. NOTE: When the battery (10655) has been disconnected and reconnected, some abnormal drive symptoms may occur while the powertrain control module (PCM) (12A650) relearns its adaptive strategy. The vehicle may need to be driven 16 km (10 miles) or more to relearn the strategy.

    Connect battery ground cable.

  1. Run engine at fast idle and check for coolant and oil leaks. Adjust ignition timing to specification listed on the Vehicle Emission Control Information (VECI) decal.