Section 07-05: Transmission, Automatic, External Controls | 1996 F-150, F-250, F-350 F-Super Duty and Bronco Workshop Manual |
The transmission shift control linkage or cable transfers the transmission operating mode from the gearshift lever (7210) to the automatic transmission. The indicated transmission position on the steering gear sector shaft (3575) is transferred to a shift lever on the bottom of the steering column. On vehicles equipped with cable-operated shift systems, the indicated position of the gearshift lever is transferred to the automatic transmission through the transmission column shift selector tube (7212), then to the cable, and down to the manual control lever (7A256) at the automatic transmission. On vehicles equipped with transmission manual control selector connecting rods (7326), the transmission manual control selector connecting rod transfers the indicated gearshift lever position through a transmission shift bellcrank (7A185) to a transmission to bellcrank lever rod (7A024). The transmission to bellcrank lever rod transfers the indicated position to the automatic transmission.