The four-wheel ABS consists of the following components:
Anti-lock hydraulic control unit (2C215) located in the front of the engine compartment on the left frame rail.
Anti-lock brake electronic control module located in the engine compartment behind the driver's side headlamp on a bracket mounted on the surface of the plastic fender apron.
Two front brake anti-lock sensors (2C204) attached to the suspension knuckles. The front brake anti-lock sensor indicators (2C182) are pressed onto the backside of the rotors.
Vehicle speed sensor (VSS) (9E731) integrated into the rear axle housing.
Acceleration sensor attached to the left frame rail under the driver.
Stoplight switch (13480) located at the brake pedal (2455).
Main relay (14N089) located in the trailer relay box.
Pump motor relay located in the power distribution box.
System diode located in the trailer relay box mounted behind the power distribution box with the main relay.
Fuses for system power and the pump motor are both located in the power distribution box.
Diagnostic Data Link Connector located at the left-hand side of the engine compartment and marked ANTI-LOCK TEST.