Section 01-11: Glass, Frames and Mechanisms
1996 F-150, F-250, F-350, F-Super Duty and Bronco Workshop Manual

Window Regulator, Power, Tailgate



  1. Lower tailgate (40700) and remove tailgate panel inside cover. If tailgate cannot be opened because the tailgate back window glass (42006) will not go to full down position, manually depress safety lockout rod located in bottom center of tailgate.

  1. Raise the tailgate back window glass using jumper to window regulator electric drive or manually close the tailgate latches. If the tailgate back window glass will not go up, it must be removed as outlined in Window, Tailgate in the Removal and Installation portion of this section.

Tailgate, Bronco

ItemPart NumberDescription
141610Outside Weatherstrip, Tailgate
223394Window Regulator Electric Drive
3380642-SScrew, Outside Weatherstrip-to-Tailgate
442072Inside Weatherstrip, Tailgate
657472-S2Bolt, Back Window Glass Run-to-Tailgate
7422A20Back Window Glass Run
944000Tailgate Window Regulator
10422B18Back Window Glass Bracket
1157472-S2Bolt, Tailgate Window Regulator-to-Tailgate
(4 Req'd)
1242006Back Window Glass, Tailgate
1343505Lock Cylinder, Tailgate
1441616Upper Corner Seal, Tailgate
15376389-SScrew, Tailgate Upper Corner Seal-to-Tailgate
1614559Clip, Window Regulator Switch Retainer
1743629Retainer, Tailgate Lock Cylinder
18385323-SRivet, Back Window Glass Bracket-to-Back Window Glass
19234A44Door Window Glass Bracket Spacer
20234A46Door Window Glass Channel Bracket Retainer
21234A24Window Regulator Drive Gear Kit
ATighten to 6-11 Nm
(53-97 Lb-In)
  1. Remove the four bolts attaching the tailgate window regulator to the tailgate.

  1. Remove the tailgate window regulator.



  1. Follow removal procedures in reverse order.

  1. Tighten the four tailgate window regulator-to-tailgate bolts to 6-11 Nm (53-97 lb-in).