Section 01-00: Body Service
1996 F-150, F-250, F-350, F-Super Duty, and Bronco Workshop Manual

Plastic Components

Cuts and cracks to the radiator grille opening panel or bumper cover where substrate material has not been removed can be repaired using Instant Adhesive E8AZ-19554-A or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G402-A4, 3M P.R.O. Fill E-Z Sand No. 05895 or equivalent. Gouges, tears and holes, where undersurface material has been damaged, can be repaired using 3M Structural Adhesive Tube Kit No. 8101, or equivalent. Refinish the repaired area using Elastomeric Additive mixed with the appropriate finish paint.

The following repair procedures can be used for either the grille opening panel, the bumper assemblies, or any of the lower body side mouldings. Repair Procedure 1 is used to repair cuts or cracks. Repair Procedure 2 is used to repair damage such as gouges, tears or punctures where substrate material is missing and fill material is required.

NOTE: Because the parts can be removed with ease, they should be repaired off the vehicle. Holes as large as approximately 76mm (3 inches) in diameter can be satisfactorily repaired. The location of the damage must, however, be such that the 3M Auto Body Repair Tape 6930 or equivalent backup tape will support the patch properly and allow the repair to match the original contours of the panel.


Procedure 1 — Substrate Cuts or Cracks (Substrate Material Not Removed)

  1. NOTE: Elastomeric additive is for industrial use only by qualified personnel. It is not intended for use by the general public.

    Wipe repair area with silicone and wax remover, to ensure clean surfaces.

  1. Apply a thin coating of Instant Adhesive E8AZ-19554-A or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G402-A4 to one surface of the cut or crack. Position the surfaces very carefully together in their original position. Quickly and firmly press the two surfaces together for at least one minute. Good bond strength is developed after one minute but maximum strength requires 3 to 12 hours cure time. Note the precautions on adhesive container.

  1. If the part did not have paint damage and the part was properly positioned, painting may not be required. However, if painting is necessary, proceed as follows:

    1. Scuff-sand the repair area with a sanding block and No. 400 paper. Be careful not to sand through the color coat surface. Usually dulling the surface is sufficient. Wipe off or clean the repair area with a clean, dry cloth or an air gun.
    1. Wipe the sanded surface with silicone and wax remover or equivalent.
    1. Refinish as described in this section under Exterior Parts, Flexible, Refinishing.

Procedure 2 — Substrate Holes, Gouges and Tears (Substrate Material Removed)

  1. Clean the repair with soap and water. Next, use Extra Strength Tar and Road Oil Remover B7A-19520-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESR-M5B106-A to remove grease and tar.

  1. Grind the surface of the repair with a grade 36 disc or coarse abrasive paper. Grind about 38mm (1-1/2 inches) around the actual damage to obtain a taper for best adhesion.

  1. Featheredge the paint around the repair with grade 180A sandpaper. Wipe with a clean dry rag and blow off with an air hose.

  1. NOTE: It will be necessary to reapply polyolefin adhesion promoter after any sanding step.

    Apply one wet coat of polyolefin adhesion promoter over the sanded surface and allow to dry for 10 minutes.

  1. Mix flexible parts repair material according to instructions and apply to the repair with a squeegee. Apply the material, building it up higher than the undamaged area. Allow it to cure for 20-30 minutes at 15-25°C (60-80°F).

  1. After curing, sand with grade 180A sandpaper, followed by grade 240A discs.

  1. Reapply polyolefin adhesion promoter and let dry.

  1. Sand scratches and pinholes must be filled with a skin coat of flexible parts repair material. Do not use flexible parts putty. After curing, sand with grade 320A sandpaper.

  1. Reapply polyolefin adhesion promoter and let dry.

  1. Apply a double wet coat of flexible parts coating. After a 10-minute flash time, apply a second double coat. Let dry for 45 minutes and lightly scuff sand the coating with grade 320A sandpaper. Apply color coats recommended for plastic body parts.


Reinforcement Procedure, Bumper Covers

If minor holes or punctures are large enough to allow the flexible parts repair material to escape, apply autobody repair tape to the underside of the repair.

If holes, punctures or cracks are extensive and require permanent reinforcement, follow this procedure:

  1. Scuff the backside with grade 180 abrasives. Apply Adhesion Improving Sealer or use equivalent commercial product.

  1. Cut a glass cloth patch to cover repair area.

  1. Mix a quantity of flexible parts repair material. Lay glass cloth on a clean surface. Use a squeegee to force the flexible parts repair material into the glass cloth.

  1. Apply glass cloth patch to backside of repair area.

  1. Apply additional flexible parts repair material over surface of glass cloth patch.