Section 05-02G: Axle, Integral Carrier, 8.8-Inch Ring Gear
1996 F-150 and Bronco Workshop Manual

Axle Shaft



  1. Raise vehicle and install safety stands. Remove rear wheel and tire. Refer to Section 04-04. Remove rear brake drum (1126). Refer to Section 06-02.

  1. Clean all dirt from the area of the axle housing cover (4033) with a wire brush.

  1. Drain rear axle lubricant by loosening axle housing cover bolts. Remove bolts and axle housing cover.

  1.  CAUTION: Install new differential pinion shaft lock pin (4241) after removal. If new bolt is not available, thoroughly clean threads of used bolt and coat with Threadlock® and Sealer EOAZ-19554-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G315-A5 before installation.

    Remove differential pinion shaft lock pin and differential pinion shaft (4211).

  1. NOTE: When removing the u-washer (4N237), use care not to lose or damage the rubber O-ring which is in the axle shaft groove under the U-washer. The O-ring is used to hold the u-washer in position until the axle shafts (4234) are pulled back in place at reassembly.

    Push the flanged end of the axle shafts inboard and remove the u-washer from the button end of each axle shaft.

  1. Remove the axle shaft from the rear axle housing (4010), being careful not to damage the inner wheel bearing oil seal (1177).

  1. To replace the rear wheel bearing (1225) and/or inner wheel bearing oil seal, refer to Seal and Bearing Replacement in the Removal and Installation portion of this section.



  1. Slide the axle shafts into place in the rear axle housing. Use care so that the splines or any portion of the axle shafts do not damage the inner wheel bearing oil seals. Push the axle shafts inboard enough to allow installation of the u-washers.

  1. NOTE: A rubber O-ring is used to hold the u-washer in position on the axle shaft. Make sure the O-ring is in the groove at the button end of the axle shaft before installing the u-washer.

    Install the u-washers on the button end of the axle shafts and pull the axle shafts outboard so that the shaft lock seats in the counterbore of the differential side gear (4236).

  1. Position the differential pinion shaft through the differential case (4204) and differential pinion gear (4215), aligning the hole in the differential pinion shaft with the bolt hole. Apply Threadlock® and Sealer EOAZ-19554-AA or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSK-M2G315-A5 to the lock pin threads. Install differential pinion shaft lock pin and tighten to 20-40 Nm (15-30 lb-ft).

  1. Install rear axle housing cover and add lubricant. Refer to Cover in the Removal and Installation portion of this section.

  1. Install rear brake drum. Refer to Section 06-02.

  1. Install rear wheel and tire. Refer to Section 04-04.

  1. Remove safety stands, lower the vehicle, and road test.