Section 01-12: Instrument Panel and Console
1996 F-150, F-250, F-350, F-Super Duty and Bronco Workshop Manual

Glove Compartment


  1. NOTE: If the door and bin assembly is forcibly removed from the hinges, the keeper feature located on the back side of each hinge is designed to break away without harming normal operation.

    Depress right and left tabs on side of glove compartment door finish panel (06036) and rotate the door and bin assembly until the keeper feature engages, holding the assembly in the open and fully down position.

  1. If necessary to remove the complete door and bin assembly, pull down and out on the door and bin assembly. Wedge and rotate the blade of a flat-head screwdriver between each hinge and tension tab.

  1. Remove assembly.


  1. Position bottom of door assembly on instrument panel.

  1. Rotate door assembly to a closed position. Right and left tabs should be in the opening stop position.


Lock, Glove Compartment


  1. Remove latch cover from inside of glove compartment by unsnapping the four tabs.

  1. Remove the two screws attaching the latch.

  1. Remove the latch.


  1. Position latch to glove compartment and install two attaching screws.

  1. Install latch cover.